Fundraising through coffee and craft

Despite the weather we have continued crafting but we haven’t missed out with the doors and windows wide open we are still enjoying the summer weather. For the month of June we raised just over £50 for Kiwoko and this month is not over yet and we have reached £90. We did a bag pack at Sainsburys of which we did two hours out of the 6. The total collection came in just over £925 also for Kiwoko. I am delighted with the ladies and friends who have supported the fundraising over the last two months

Karen joined us for the first this week for a scrapbooking project she wanted to make for a family gift.
More cold drinks though than tea or coffe and the favourites being Carolyn’s ginger cordial and elderflower cordial.

I completed some kits for the church community week but contemplating which project to start or complete next. Many of the girls still keen on sewing and I have just designed a new quilt for Jeannette, double bed size so looking forward to it taking form.

I thoroughly enjoyed my art class although over for the summer we have had some random sessions. These cherries were drawn them completed in water colour. I am looking forward to my colour pencil day coming up with Julie.

Fun on the beach

We are so fortunate to live just 4 miles from the beach and Smudge loves it no matter what the weather. 

Our nearest beach is Millisle but we walk on many of the others along the Co Down Coast
A little shade for a while on my knee as I read my book.
In the evening when it is much cooler she loves to race around after the two of us
This week we took some time out in Tollymore Forest with Julie and Minnie. A reunion for Smudge and Minnie since Julie returned from NYC.

A visit to Portaferry on gala week

We have had quite a week and yet our holidays are still to come

Coffee and craft continue throughout the summer

For the month of June we raised over £50 for Kiwoko through our donations at coffee and craft. The 12th July sale wasn’t very well supported and we have decided that Ards is not the lace to sell our crafts.i raised just £27.50 at the sale so that will boost the July donations.

For sale for £8
For sale for £12

The ladies have been busy finishing quilting projects and some got involved in chalk painting as I have done. I have another chair to do but put that on hold at the moment.
I ,painted by kitchen table.
I started a crochet blanket whilst manning the stall
Sian has been working on some sewing items as well as painting and Wendy has started some Xmas x-stitch.
Linda’s owl ready for stuffing and her finished cross stitch below.i just love the one colour x-stitch items.
My last art class we were back to sketching and this was an item I had done before but from a different angle. No art this week as Julie has been in NYC doing a workshop with Colleen Barry, hence the reason we have had Minnie staying.

The weather has been great so we have also been able to spend lots of time outside and most of the day the back door stays open so the dogs can come in and out as they please

It’s a dog’s life

We offered to dog sit our friends new caversion puppy and another friends cocker spaniel one for one week and the other for 2 weeks with one week overlap when we would have 3 dogs!!!

I soon got used to walking with three leads rather than one and they got used to walking with each other. Smudge started to feel less threatened despite Daisy the puppy jumping over her to get attention first and Minnie gave her the respect of top dog.

They soon learned that 3pm was nap time and I wasn’t to be disturbed so it was best to join in.

They picked up very quickly that where the treats were kept for after a walk.

However as time went by I realised I was allergic to Daisy’s long hair and I had to get anti histamine sand eye drops and spent a little less time with her. In the evening Daisy and Smudge loved to play tug of war.

Then Daisy liked to curl up with Minnie for a while before their evening walk.

They were all very bright and breezy by 0700hrs if not before !!!

We had some time out to visit a friends and their dog Pebble.

And cha cha came to visit us and the girls.

Run and relax

My friend Julie and I have done the Ards half marathon walk for the last 3yrs and this year as the date drew closer I felt very lazy. I thought to myself I would mention it to Julie and she probably has such a hectic schedule we would have to give it a miss. However I didn’t get the response I expected and with her exclamation of delight I could hardly say I didn’t want to do it!!!

It was such a beautiful night and I think I took more out of myself talking than walking. We didn’t see the miles go by. 

The weather has continued to smile down on us since. I took part in the love local monthly market but in this case the good weather was a disadvantage to us as few people came ,probably all out enjoying the sunshine.

I will give it another go to try and raise funds for Kiwoko with our crafts on the 12th of July in South st.

I slept in today and was a little achy so maybe residue from the marathon but decided smudge and I needed time outdoors so we packed up and headed for Mountstewart which is one of our favourite places.

We walked around the lake and found a quiet spot near Tir Na Nog where I could paint and Smudge could relax. We are still making the most of the quiet at home until J arrives and puts the TV on